ALABAMA: "The Stars Fell"

ALASKA: "Six Degrees of Separation" (SOLD)

ARIZONA: "A Day of Infamy"

ARKANSAS: "Hell on the Border"


COLORADO: "Stolen Hours"

CONNECTICUT: "Clandestine Crossing"

DELAWARE: "Along the Dotted Line"

FLORIDA: "Keep Florida Beautiful"

GEORGIA: "The Secret Within" (SOLD)

HAWAII: "Mahalo"

IDAHO: "My Own Private Idaho" (SOLD)

ILLINOIS: "From the Ground Up" (SOLD)

INDIANA: "Driven"

IOWA: "City of Silos"

KANSAS: "Middle America"

KENTUCKY: "More Than Just Horses"

LOUISIANA: "Unveiling" (SOLD)

MAINE: "Capturing the Clouds" (SOLD)

MARYLAND: "In the Key of Irony"

MASSACHUSETTS: "Cradle of Liberty"

MICHIGAN: "Straight off the Assembly Line"

MINNESOTA: "One Fur Trade"

MISSISSIPPI: "Hihla- Dancer" (SOLD)

MISSOURI: "Deus Ex Machina"

MONTANA: "Freedom"

NEBRASKA: "Into the Great Unknown"

NEVADA: "Exeunt Omnes"

NEW HAMPSHIRE: "Personification" (SOLD)

NEW JERSEY: "A New Jersey Notion" (SOLD)

NEW MEXICO: "The Automaton v. The Existentialist"

NEW YORK: "All Grown Up" (SOLD)

NORTH CAROLINA: "Angle of Incidence" (SOLD)

NORTH DAKOTA: "North Dakota Mourning"

OHIO: "The Understanding Stairs"

OKLAHOMA: "The Beautiful Things We Destroy"

OREGON: "Saturated" (SOLD)

PENNSYLVANIA: "Administering the Wealth"

RHODE ISLAND: "Williams' Route"


SOUTH DAKOTA: "December 29, 1890"


TEXAS: "Searching for a Sign" (GIFTED)

UTAH: "Genus Tulipa Sub Rosa" (SOLD)

VERMONT: "Photographic Memory"

VIRGINIA: "Left at the Tracks"

WASHINGTON: "Slight Return"

WEST VIRGINIA: "Montani Semper Liberi"

WISCONSIN: "Slipping Into the Bay"

WYOMING: "Much Like A Fairy Tale" (Stolen)